Schäfer Werkzeug- und Sondermaschinenbau GmbH

Schäfer Werkzeug- und Sondermaschinenbau GmbH

all about automation Heilbronn 2024

Über uns

The Schäfer Group develops and manufactures tools, machines, and systems for automated wire and terminal processing. The customized solutions are used in various areas on a serial basis, such as in the production of cable harnesses for the automotive industry, medical technology products, and household appliances.

The portfolio includes compact machines as well as fully automated systems with numerous processing stations, such as stripping, crimping, and wire assembly. The range is completed by products in the field of quality assurance as well as tool and mold making. Schäfer also offers innovative software solutions for operating and networking machines in the context of a Smart Factory, including remote support in various operating situations and monitoring of machine parks on the path to Industry 4.0.

The Schäfer Werkzeug- und Sondermaschinenbau GmbH, founded in 1985, is the company’s headquarters. With over 200 employees at international locations and numerous sales partners for consulting, training, and service, the Schäfer Group is one of the world leaders in the cable processing industry.



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